最近发生了一些事,很忙。忙得难得有空偷一下闲, 又会觉得很浪费时间。
上个礼拜回了太平一趟, 去参加舅舅的婚礼. 仪式非常简单, 又不失隆重, 这也是我男朋友这么近距离的和我家人朋友相处.
其实我是很替一对新人开心, 毕竟在一起这么久了, 从一开始不被看好到大家都在催着他们结婚,多么长的一条路啊! 可惜我只回家不到48小时, 风云一过, 我又离开了.
很烦. 我在等着英国寄来的文凭, 我在n次搬家时弄不见了,花了300块补弄一张.
等了三个月,一点消息都没有. 现在英国那边昨天才说寄出, 4月9号报名就截止了, 我很担心, 也很着急,可也不能做些什么. 我很想积极一些, 把没念好的功课都赶上,可是把书翻开才觉得有心无力.也只能很囫囵吞枣的把课文大声念出, 也多少吸收了一些吧!
最近变得很爱哭, 昨天前天.在线上读了一些小说, 哭的稀里哗啦的!
今天无意中发现我堂哥的部落格. 发现一片关于我公公过世的那一段, 又哭得稀里哗啦, 我以为我不会, 毕竟他过世的那一刹那, 我眼泪都留不出来. 也只有在出殡的时候才放声大哭.
现在从他笔下读到这一段, 很多前程往事全涌现. 我和他住了20年, 他和婆婆对我非常的宠爱, 甚至到了溺爱的地步. 婆婆过世时,公公因为不太能接受这事, 时时以泪洗脸, 要不就说起和婆婆恩爱的过往. 所以我认为, 他的逝世搞不好也是一种解脱.
我没哭, 是因为我认为他会在另一个国度过得更开心一些; 我又哭了, 因为我好久没想他们了..
天啊! 写的没文没理的, 太久没用华文来写文章了. 所用的都是一白话, 写不出以前那些文绉绉的词, 难为了华语是多么美丽的语言阿!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Overhaul 2010
list is unbleievalbe long because it's a compilation of Jan, Feb and Mac.
I totally forgot to post them for the past 2 months :P
Also eyeingDove necklace from Nad Case
I totally forgot to post them for the past 2 months :P
Also eyeingDove necklace from Nad Case
Ponies Dress from DollhouseAvenue
i bought the black one, it's a tad short but nonetheless, love it!!
Got a few compliments from friends while wearing that too
i bought the black one, it's a tad short but nonetheless, love it!!
Got a few compliments from friends while wearing that too
Ombre Maxi and Lace White Dress, AgapeVintage Beige Lace Dress. LadiesMall
funnily, the colour look exactly the same as my skintone,
but very comfy and hide all unsighty bulges..
funnily, the colour look exactly the same as my skintone,
but very comfy and hide all unsighty bulges..
Vintage Peter Pan Blouse from DaintyDresser
Love it! Absolutely flowy and airy-also thanks Mei for the discount!!
Love it! Absolutely flowy and airy-also thanks Mei for the discount!!
Ribbed Navy Blue Long Cardi from Jaya33 Bazaar!pic credited to AttireAttic
The pic don't even do justice to the colour, it's so pretty in real-life.
Get a few asking where i got it though :P
p/s: it's cheaper in bazaar then online, talk about being affordable!
The pic don't even do justice to the colour, it's so pretty in real-life.
Get a few asking where i got it though :P
p/s: it's cheaper in bazaar then online, talk about being affordable!
Lace Navy Blue Dress from Poisonous
wore this during 1st day of CNY, i think i'm in love with navy blue.
this might be the colour of the year, well along with red and grey and purple.
wore this during 1st day of CNY, i think i'm in love with navy blue.
this might be the colour of the year, well along with red and grey and purple.
Grey thick knitted cardi from RedOcaso pic credited to TicTacToe
super thick and comfy. Perfect for freeeezing lectures and air-cond room!
super thick and comfy. Perfect for freeeezing lectures and air-cond room!
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